Theme 5: Student Feedback and Support


The following is a collection of AQA resources and selected external weblinks intended to assist New Zealand universities in facilitating excellent student experience and learning outcomes. These pages relate to each of the seven academic activity themes of Cycle 5, plus the overarching topic of 'self-review'. It should be noted that useful and relevant resources are not necessarily limited to those included here. In addition, because of the historical and reflective nature of audit, new or different practices may have emerged including within universities not identified here.

Please note: Where a resource does not derive from an AQA activity, we offer these on the basis that have been assessed or validated by another reputable agency. Readers should note that good practice takes place in context; any activity identified as good practice must be assessed by potential users for relevance and applicability to the context in which it might be used.

Theme 5: Student Feedback and Support

The Cycle 5 academic audit framework included six Guideline Statements under this Academic Activity Theme:

5.1 Academic appeals and grievances
Universities must have policies and/or procedures which they use to address academic appeals and grievances.

5.2 Learning support
Universities should provide opportunity for all students to access appropriate learning support services, including specialised learning support services for international students and others with particular needs. (See also 4.2 and 5.4)

5.3 Personal support and safety
Universities must provide safe and inclusive campus environments and should provide opportunity for all students to access appropriate pastoral and social support services.

5.4 Support on other campuses
Universities should have formal mechanisms to ensure appropriate learning and pastoral support is provided for students in programmes taught on other campuses and/or with partner institutions, including those which are overseas.

5.5 Feedback from students
Universities should use processes for gaining feedback on student satisfaction with teaching, courses and student services and should be able to demonstrate that feedback is used to inform improvement initiatives. (See also 7.5 re thesis students)

5.6 Feedback from graduates
Universities should use processes for gaining feedback from graduates regarding their satisfaction with their university experience and learning outcomes and should be able to demonstrate that this feedback is used.

AQA Resources

AQA, 2014. New Zealand University Cycle 5 academic audit reports. (see recommendations, commendations and affirmations) 

AQA, 2014. USP Academic Audit 2013.

AQA, 2013. Cycle 5 Academic Audit Handbook for Universities.

AQA, 2013. Academic Quality in New Zealand Universities: An analysis of academic audit findings 2008 - 2012.

AQA, 2008 - 2012. Cycle 4 academic audit reports. (see recommendations, commendations and affirmations)

Other Resources

Ako Aotearoa and NZUSA, 2013.The Student Voice: Effective Student Representation and Quality.

BERL - report commissioned by the Ministry of Education and Education New Zealand, 2013. The satisfaction of international students in New Zealand universities and ITPs.

Centre for the Study of Higher Education (Australia), 2010 onwards. Research publications (link to recent publications).

Pamela Gravestock and Emily Gregor-Greenleaf, 2008. Student Course Evaluations: Research, Models and Trends. Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario.

NZQA, 2013. Code of Practice for the Pastoral Care of International Students.

Office for Learning and Teaching (Australia), various. Good Practice Resources (searchable database).

QAA, 2013. UK Quality Code for Higher Education. (see B4: Enabling student development and achievement, and B9: Academic appeals and student complaints)


Last updated: July 2018